h e a l t h & w e l l b e i n g r o b o t " l i v i n g " r o o m s l e a r n i n g & c r e a t i v i t y r o b o t s f o r c o m m u n i t y |
ARCHITECTURAL ROBOTICS LAB | TRANS-DISCIPLINARY DESIGN RESEARCH In a world that is ever-more complex - politically, socially, environmentally and technologically - critical issues of the built and natural environments demand the very attention that researchers too often neglect: design research undertaken as a collaborative, transdisciplinary pursuit. The expanding knowledge economy, new technologies associated with computing and advanced materials, striking demographic changes, working life and education in a digital society, and unprecedented sprawl are concerns far too complex for responses by designers and computer scientist and engineers working in isolation; these concerns beckon, instead, a response from design-research entities like Cornell University's ARCHITECTURAL ROBOTICS LAB. (Links to people offer an introduction to lab members.) |