ARL participants come from design, mechanical engineering, information science, and allied fields. PhD students are awarded tuition and living stipends. Bachelors and Masters students are rarely offered financial support but may earn credit (3-4 hrs/wk = 1cr) through Green's sections of HCD 4010/6020 form, MAE 4900/6900 form, and IS 4900/7900 (requires a pin code from IS). Students interested in joining the lab are encouraged to first take a course with Professor Green.

Former PhD students - faculty at:
• Elena Sabsinson > U CO-Boulder
• Mengni Zhang > UW-Madison
• Yixiao Wang > Georgia Tech
• Carlos de Aguiar > UIUC
• Arash Soleimani > Woodbury U
• George Schafer > Clemson U
• Anthony Threat > Vanderbilt U
• Joe Manganelli > Kent State U
• Tarek Mohktar > Alfaisal U
• Henrique Houayek > Clemson U

Former Masters students:
• Matthew Taub MEng ME
• Derek Chiou MEng ME
• Bruno Tassari MEng ME
• Eli Vicarte MEng ME
• Nayeon Kwon MPS IS
• Jinmo Huang MPS IS
• Joshua Blair MEng ME
• Deanna Kocher MS ME
• Robert Shield MEng SE
• Melody (Naifang) Yu MEng ME
• Kevin Liu MEng ME
• Aratrika Ghatak MEng ECE
• Ricky Wang MEng ME
• Ethan Valentine MEng ME
• Olivia Roberts MEng ME
• Mark Worsley MEng ME
• Jilly Cai MEng ME
• Harrison Hidalgo MEng ME
• Juliette Bendheim MEng ME
• Isha Pradhan MEng ME
• Yupei Yang MEng CS
• Mengxue Wang MPS IS
• Kevin Guo MEng ME
• Seshasowri Chunduri MEng SE
• Justin Jacobs MEng ME
• Yeolim Jo MEng ME
• Kathryn Roberts MEng ME
Paulina Villacreces MS HCD
Kaustav Das MA HCD
• Richa Sirohi MEng SE
• Christian Ray MEng ME
• Yuxin Zhou MEng ME
• Alex Bernard MEng ME
• Christina Keefe MEng ME
• Samantha Hollenberg MEng ME
• Roanja Milo MEng ME

Former Bachelors students:
• Julius Goldberg MAE
• Eleanor White IS
• Riya Guttigoli MAE
• Ian Lee BS Info Sci & Biology
• Eli Vicarte BS ECE
• Jill Thai BS DEA
• Lucia Pannunzio aHD/Psych
• Jackson Hardin MAE
• Jin Ryu MAE
• Janis Siong BS MAE, DEA minor
• Alexandra Steelman BS Civil Eng  
• Charu Marugesan BS CS
• Boya Zhang MAE
• Chelle Davies CS/ECE
• Alex Zhu MAE
• Angela Lo ECE/CS
• Cayla Haymann IS
• Genna Hadad IS
• Yanchen Zhan CS
• Liheng Li CS/ECE
• Christian Polydor CS
• Audrey Tirtohadiguno DEA
• Conrad McCarthy MAE
• Gauri Jain ECE
• Sophie Lan CS/ECE

Lab BS and MS/A/Eng work at:
• Microsoft
• Apple
• Disney
• Tesla
• Space X
• Sandia National Labs
• Amazon Robotics
Ori Living

ARL Partners:
Ian D. Walker, Clemson Univ.
Robotic Building/H. Bier TU Delft
TU Deflt idStudioLab / IE minor
Bartlett UCL Space Syntax Lab
Maersk Mc-Kinney Moiler Institute
Fraunhofer Institute IESE
Roger C. Peace Rahab Hospital
Senior Action
Tompkins Co. NY Library
Dryden NY Central School District

History Center Tompkins Co. NY

Keith Evan Green | Director, ARL
... is the Jean and Douglas McLean Professor of Human Centered Design (HCD) at Cornell University and professor in Cornell's Sibley School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) and its Information Science (IS) graduate program. Green's ARL (Architectural Robotics Lab) imagines rooms and their furnishings as robots that enable, support, and augment inhabitants. His book, Architectural Robotics: Ecosystems of Bits, Bytes and Biology (MIT Press), defines this emerging field at the interface of design, robotics, HCI, and psychology. A registered architect and Senior Member of IEEE, Green earned B.A., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master of Architecture from the University of Illinois at Chicago. (Green's homepage)

Serena Guo | PhD Info Sci
... is a PhD Information Science student at Cornell. She is interested in blending the physical world with the virtual world through multimedia, including mixed reality, tangible mediums, digital arts/narratives, to create innovative spatial experience. Her main goal is to bring human physicality into the digital world - to foster empathy in our living environment. She has worked in AR/VR companies and architectural design firms before entering the PhD program. Serena holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture at Hong Kong University and an M.Arch degree at Columbia University with an honor award for excellence in design. She enjoys exploring (cities, nature, books) and creating (design, art, food).

Sharmayne Lim | PhD Design
... is a PhD student in Human Behavior & Design at Cornell, passionate about designing responsive and adaptive homes of the future. Her research envisions living spaces as dynamic, interactive systems responsive to human needs, desires, and emotions. By integrating robotics and spatial computing into architecture, she aims to create environments that converse with their inhabitants. Sharmayne holds a BS in Architecture and a Master of Engineering in Information Systems Technology & Design from the Singapore University of Technology and Design. In her free time, she also enjoys going to the gym, snacking, watching dramas, and listening to and playing music.

Borui Wang | PhD Info Sci
is a Ph.D. student in Cornell Information Science. His research focuses on the convergence of Human-Computer Interaction and Physical Computing, with a interest in creating interfaces that connects physical environment and the the digital world for people to consume, manipulate, and understand information and to be emotionally supported. Borui holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) from the University of Washington.

Raquel Cañete | PhD Fulbright
... is a Ph.D. student in Design Engineering at the University of Seville (Spain) who visited the ARL for six months as a Fulbright scholar and continues to collaborate wtih the ARL. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Development of Products from the University of Seville and a Master’s degree in Interaction Design from Malmö Universitet (Sweden). She designs and develops assistive technology and smart products for children with autism, highlighting the importance of materials and sensoriality. Her hobbies include dancing, arts and crafts, and exploring new places.

Hsin-Ming Chao | MS HCD
... is
a Cornell MS student in HCD with a concentration in Emerging Technology for Design and minoring in HCI. Her research interests include intelligent environment and interaction design, with a goal of adaptive smart homes. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Business from the National Taiwan University with a minor in Philosophy. Ming enjoys traveling, especially backpacking to a new city.

Nayeon Keon | Visiting Researcher
...  is a visiting scholar in the ARL. She is interested in design for positive well-being through digital and spatial design. Nayeon holds a master's degree in Information Science and a bachelor’s degree in Human-Centered Design (Design + Environmental Analysis) from Cornell University, with a minor in User Experience. Outside of the lab, she is part of DKA and Shimtah (a Korean traditional drumming club).

Xiaoman Yang | MS D+Tech
... is a student in the M.S design technology program at Cornell University. She is interested in structural design and interaction design. She is also a member of the Cornell University Figure Skating Club.

Megan Wong | MEng MAE
... is a Cornell MEng student studying Mechanical Engineering with a design focus. She also majored in Mechanical Engineering during her undergraduate years at Cornell. Megan's main interests include product and user-centered design. Outside of ARL, Megan is a part of the Cornell Track and Field Club, and enjoys painting, drinking coffee, and being outside in her free time.

Miriam Alex | BS CS
is a Cornell undergrad majoring in Computer Science with a minor in English. Her primary interests are within human-computer interaction and the digital humanities, or how computing can augment the way we perform and convey research in the humanities. Outside of the lab, Miriam’s an avid enjoyer of NYT games, novels, and writing poetry.

Penny Ren | BS InfoSci a Cornell junior majoring in Information Science with intended concentrations in UX and Interactive Technologies, and minoring in Business. She is passionate about improving individuals' life experiences through design. In her free time, she enjoys watching movies, taking pictures, and exploring cute coffee shops.

Diane Pillsbury | BS ECE
... is a Cornell undergrad majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with minors in Computer Science and Architecture. She is passionate about integrating technology and design. Outside of the ARL, she's involved in Amateur Radio and community service clubs, and works as a course consultant for Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures. 

Daniel Lee | BS MAE
... is a Cornell junior majoring in Information Science, with a minor in Business. He is passionate about designing and coding for people with disabilities. He is creating a functional clothing brand for people with tactile and visual hypersensitivity. Daniel also enjoys cooking, basketball, and playing games. 

Jenny Yu | BS Info Sci
... is a Cornell junior majoring in Information Science with concentrations in User Experience and Interactive Technologies, and minoring in Design Innovation & Strategy. She is interested in human-computer interaction, storytelling through design, and the curation of products that drive positive experiences. Outside of her academics, Jenny is currently involved as webmaster and lead of the Medium Design Collective's Praxis brand consulting subteam. In her free time, she enjoys crafting desserts, reading, and drawing.

Simone Jacobs| BS DEA a Cornell junior majoring in Design + Environmental Analysis. She is passionate about IX design, and the importance of understanding the natural world in curation of the built world. In her free time she enjoys cooking, baking, photography, tennis, making art, and playing/seeing live music.

Jay Zheng | BS Biometry/Statistics 
... is a Cornell junior majoring in Biometry and Statistics with a concentration in Machine Learning and an interest in Robotics. He is excited about human-robot interaction and developing devices that foster meaningful user connections. Jay enjoys exploring nature, community building, and thinking about the cool technologies that might emerge in the future. In his free time, he also enjoys drawing and staying active.

Nina Nui | M.L.Arch.
... is a graduate student in landscape architecture. She is passionate about design and loves finding ways to create adaptive spaces that serve diverse populations through the use of technology. With a background in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design, she is particularly focused on utilizing emerging technologies to develop inclusive environments. Nina enjoys outdoor activities and traveling, and has a deep love for animals.

Alex Li | BS ECE
... is an undergraduate at Cornell University majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a focus on robotics and power systems. He serves as the electric subteam lead for the Cornell Autonomous Bicycle Project Team, overseeing the development of the bike's electrical systems and collaborating with a multidisciplinary team to create autonomous transportation solutions. In his free time, Alex enjoys binge-watching K-dramas and surfing Reddit, staying engaged with tech trends and pop culture. 

Lina Liu | BS CS
is a senior undergraduate majoring in Information Science with a concentration in UX Design. She is passionate about cats, curating her extensive Yelp reviews with humor and personality, and crafting user experiences that are as delightful and memorable as the best cream puffs she's reviewed. Whether she's finding the best boba spots, caring for her cat Bunny, or diving into the nuances of design, Lina approaches everything with curiosity and a love for detail.

Huong Pham | BA Info Sci
... Is a Cornell junior majoring in Information Sciences with a concentration in User Experience (UX). She gets really geeky about different mediums of immersive experience, whether physical exhibitions that blend lighting and sound or digital graphics found in news articles and innovative website design.
Meeting people brings her joy, especially in conducting user interviews, sharing insights with prospective students as a tour guide, or striking up a friendly chat with strangers over coffee (she's hug fan of Yes Theory). Outside classes, she trains for her first triathlon, cooks Vietnamese noodle soup, and travels for live concerts.