Arch Robotics cover

 @ ubicomp '09   @ post-human

 @ milan poly      @ springer


Congratulations to recent ARL PhD grads starting tenure track jobs!
Elena Sabinson at U Colorado-Boulder, Ni Zhang at U Wisconsin-Madison
, Yixiao Wang at Georgia Tech, Carlo Araujo de Aguiar at U Illinois - Urbana-Champaign.

Our CHI'23 HONORABLE MENTION BEST PAPER Award: [video; paper].

For a Wall Street Journal article, Keith Evan Green was interviewed for his foundational role in the emergance of robot furniture companies like Ori & Bumblebee.

ARL's NSF-awarded Robot Rooms project featured in

ARL was recently featured in articles in IEEE Spectrum and The Cornell Chronicle.

• ARL students win the HRI'21 Student Design Competition [paper].

• Keith Evan Green, invited speaker at Border Sessions - Europe's "SXSW."

Submit your papers to Springer Book Series, Adaptive Environments.

The LIT ROOM (NSF IIS-1352992) was featured in the Huffington Post.

• Keith Evan Green spoke at GSM3 at TU Delft. A few moments from the talk.

An interview with Keith Evan Green was featured in Architectural Record.